Beverage Choices of U.S. Adults: What We Eat in America, NHANES 2007-2008

In: FSRG Dietary Data Briefs [Internet]. Beltsville (MD): United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); 2010. Dietary Data Brief No. 6.
2011 Aug.


Beverages are an integral part of the diet. Fluids (drinking water and other beverages) provide over 80 percent of the daily intake of total water (see definitions on page 7), which is necessary for life (1). Beverages can also be a significant source of calories and nutrients. For example, regular soft/other drinks and alcoholic beverages (see definitions on page 7) are among the top five sources of calories for persons age 19 years and over (2). Milk and milk drinks and fruit juices contribute to intakes of nutrients and recommended food groups that are typically lacking in the American diet (3-5). Consequently, a person’s beverage choices can substantially impact the healthfulness of the overall diet.

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