Prevalence and Predictors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms Among Teachers in Riyadh: A Cross-Sectional Study

Cureus. 2023 Feb 15;15(2):e35040. doi: 10.7759/cureus.35040. eCollection 2023 Feb.


Background Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) afflicting the upper limbs with a prevalence of approximately 14.4% in the general population. Previous studies have noted the increasing prevalence of MSDs among teachers but have not investigated in depth the prevalence and predictors of CTS symptoms in this population. The aim of this study was to help fill this gap in the literature by investigating teachers working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods We conducted this cross-sectional study in Riyadh using an online survey. We distributed the Boston carpal tunnel questionnaire (BCTQ) to schoolteachers in the city through the social media applications Twitter, WhatsApp, and Telegram. We assessed the respondents' symptoms using Univariate association analyses with a Wilcoxon rank sum test for the continuous variables and Fisher's exact test and Pearson's chi-squared test for the categorical variables. We assessed the independent risk factors for CTS by constructing multivariate binary logistic regression models and expressed the results using the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs), with p < 0.05 indicating statistical significance. Results The sample for this study included 490 teachers. Among them, the prevalence of moderate to severe CTS symptoms was 40.0%, and self-reported CTS was 9.1%. The teachers who were female, relatively old, left-handed, retired, and spent significant time using a pen, keyboard, and/or blackboard were more likely than those who were male, relatively young, right-handed, and did not spend significant time using a pen, keyboard, and/or blackboard to self-report CTS and exhibit moderate to severe symptoms. Conclusions We found a relatively high percentage (40.0%) of CTS symptoms among teachers working in Riyadh. This finding suggests that any sign of CTS symptoms should be checked to ensure early diagnosis and treatment, which contribute to positive outcomes, particularly given the recent increase in such risk factors for CTS as diabetes, hypothyroidism, and high BMI in populations worldwide.

Keywords: boston carpal tunnel questionnaire; carpal tunnel syndome; median neuropathy; saudi arabia; schoolteachers; teachers.