Addressing Practical Use of Viologen-Derivatives in Redox Flow Batteries through Molecular Engineering

ACS Mater Lett. 2023 Feb 7;5(3):798-802. doi: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.2c01105. eCollection 2023 Mar 6.


In practical scenarios, viologen-derivatives face an accelerated degradation in the unavoidable presence of traces of oxygen in large-scale redox flow batteries. Herein, we confirm the primary degradation mechanism and propose a straightforward, cheap, and fast method to evaluate the stability of viologen-derivatives toward this degradation. Considering that the cleavage of the N-substituent is the main proposed pathway for viologen degradation, a new viologen-derivative, bearing an alkylsulfonate chain with a secondary carbon center joined to the N atom, is synthesized to illustrate how molecular engineering can be used to improve stability.