Educational Potential of Three-Dimensional Volumes Based on Seriate Histological Slices of First Trimester Fetal Hearts

Curr Health Sci J. 2022 Jul-Sep;48(3):324-330. doi: 10.12865/CHSJ.48.03.11. Epub 2022 Sep 30.


The advantages of earlier diagnosis give the family more time to adjust to the fetal cardiac and related extracardiac diagnoses and to make informed pregnancy decisions. If a severe fetal CHD is detected in the first trimester and pregnancy termination is selected, the intervention may have a lower risk for the mother's physical and mental health. Training medical staff is a crucial part of implementing obstetric ultrasonography services well, since effective patient care depends on their ability to use the equipment skillfully and interpret results properly. In many low-and middle-income nations, there is a scarcity of healthcare professionals trained to offer ultrasound services and one of the reasons for this issue is the lack of available lectures, simulations and instruments to explain how ultrasound sections are acquired. We propose an alternative method of visualizing the ultrasound planes of interest using three-dimensional volumes of fetal hearts reconstructed from seriate histological slices. This method may aid trainees in understanding echocardiography.

Keywords: Three-dimensional histology; fetal echocardiography; virtual autopsy.