Synthesis, structural characterization, reactivity and catalytic activity of mixed halo/triflate ArI(OTf)(X) species

Dalton Trans. 2023 Mar 14;52(11):3358-3370. doi: 10.1039/d3dt00275f.


Both mixed λ3-iodoarenes and λ3-iodoarenes possessing -OTf ligands are coveted for their enhanced reactivities. Here we describe the synthesis, reactivity, and comprehensive characterisation of two new ArI(OTf)(X) species, a class of compound that were previously only invoked as reactive intermediates where X = Cl, F and their divergent reactivity with aryl substrates. A new catalytic system for electrophilic chlorination of deactivated arenes using Cl2 as the chlorine source and ArI/HOTf as the catalyst is also described.