Report on the 11th international workshop on the CCN family of genes, Nice, October 20-24, 2022

J Cell Commun Signal. 2023 Mar;17(1):7-11. doi: 10.1007/s12079-023-00731-4.


In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the inception of the CCN society, and of the first post-Covid-19 live meeting, the executive board of the ICCNS had chosen Nice as the venue for the 11th International workshop on the CCN family of genes. On this occasion participation in the meeting was extended to colleagues from other cell signaling fields who were invited to present both an overview of their work and the future directions of their laboratory. Also, for the first time, the members of the JCCS Editorial Board were invited to participate in a JCCS special session during which all aspects of the journal « life » were addressed and opened to free critical discussion. The scientific presentations and the discussions that followed showed once more that an expansion of the session topics was beneficial to the quality of the meeting and confirmed that the ARBIOCOM project discussed last April in Nice was now on track to be launched in 2023. The participants unanimously welcomed Professor Attramadal's proposition to organize the 2024, 12th International CCN workshop in Oslo, Norway.

Keywords: CCN proteins (CCN1-6); Cancer; Genome wide association; ICCNS award; International CCN Society (ICCNS); Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling (JCCS); Spatiotemporal combinatorial model; Studies (GWAS); Transcriptomics.

Publication types

  • Review