Rheopheresis Performed in Hemodialysis Patients Targets Endothelium and Has an Acute Anti-Inflammatory Effect

J Clin Med. 2022 Dec 23;12(1):105. doi: 10.3390/jcm12010105.


Background: Rheopheresis is a double-filtration plasmapheresis that removes a defined spectrum of high-molecular-weight proteins to lower plasma viscosity and improves microcirculation disorders. This technique can be performed in hemodialysis (HD) patients with severe microischemia. Interestingly, some studies showed that rheopheresis sessions improve endothelial function. Methods: Our study evaluated the inflammatory and endothelial biomarker evolution in 23 HD patients treated or not with rheopheresis. A p value ≤ 0.001 was considered statistically significant. Results: Thirteen HD patients treated by rheopheresis either for a severe peripheral arterial disease (N = 8) or calciphylaxis (N = 5) were analyzed. Ten control HD patients were also included in order to avoid any misinterpretation of the rheopheresis effects in regard to the HD circuit. In the HD group without rheopheresis, the circulating endothelial adhesion molecules, cytokines, angiogenic factor concentrations, and circulating levels were not modified. In the HD group with rheopheresis, the circulating endothelial adhesion molecules (sVCAM-1, sP-selectin, and sE-selectin) experienced a significant reduction, except sICAM-1. Among the pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α was significantly reduced by 32.6% [(−42.2)−(−22.5)] (p < 0.0001), while the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 increased by 674% (306−1299) (p < 0.0001). Among the angiogenic factors, only sEndoglin experienced a significant reduction. The CEC level trended to increase from 13 (3−33) cells/mL to 43 (8−140) cells/mL (p = 0.002). We did not observe any difference on the pre-session values of the molecules of interest between the first rheopheresis session and the last rheopheresis session. Conclusion: Rheopheresis immediately modified the inflammation balance and the endothelial injury biomarkers. Further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms underlying these biological observations.

Keywords: angiogenic factors; apheresis; circulating endothelial cells; cytokines; endothelial adhesion molecules; endothelium dysfunction; hemodialysis; microcirculation; plasmapheresis.

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding.