f-block MOFs: A Pathway to Heterometallic Transuranics

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2023 Jan 26;62(5):e202216349. doi: 10.1002/anie.202216349. Epub 2022 Dec 19.


A novel series of heterometallic f-block-frameworks including the first examples of transuranic heterometallic 238 U/239 Pu-metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and a novel monometallic 239 Pu-analog are reported. In combination with theoretical calculations, we probed the kinetics and thermodynamics of heterometallic actinide(An)-MOF formation and reported the first value of a U-to-Th transmetallation rate. We concluded that formation of uranyl species could be a driving force for solid-state metathesis. Density of states near the Fermi edge, enthalpy of formation, band gap, proton affinity, and thermal/chemical stability were probed as a function of metal ratios. Furthermore, we achieved 97 % of the theoretical maximum capacity for An-integration. These studies shed light on fundamental aspects of actinide chemistry and also foreshadow avenues for the development of emerging classes of An-containing materials, including radioisotope thermoelectric generators or metalloradiopharmaceuticals.

Keywords: Actinides; Heterometallic; Metal-Organic Frameworks; Plutonium; Transmetallation.