Ultra-confined Propagating Exciton-Plasmon Polaritons Enabled by Cavity-Free Strong Coupling: Beating Plasmonic Trade-Offs

Nanoscale Res Lett. 2022 Nov 18;17(1):109. doi: 10.1186/s11671-022-03748-7.


Hybrid coupling systems consisting of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) and plasmonic nanostructures have emerged as a promising platform to explore exciton-plasmon polaritons. However, the requisite cavity/resonator for strong coupling introduces extra complexities and challenges for waveguiding applications. Alternatively, plasmonic nano-waveguides can also be utilized to provide a non-resonant approach for strong coupling, while their utility is limited by the plasmonic confinement-loss and confinement-momentum trade-offs. Here, based on a cavity-free approach, we overcome these constraints by theoretically strong coupling of a monolayer TMD to a single metal nanowire, generating ultra-confined propagating exciton-plasmon polaritons (PEPPs) that beat the plasmonic trade-offs. By leveraging strong-coupling-induced reformations in energy distribution and combining favorable properties of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and excitons, the generated PEPPs feature ultra-deep subwavelength confinement (down to 1-nm level with mode areas ~ 10-4 of λ2), long propagation length (up to ~ 60 µm), tunable dispersion with versatile mode characters (SPP- and exciton-like mode characters), and small momentum mismatch to free-space photons. With the capability to overcome the trade-offs of SPPs and the compatibility for waveguiding applications, our theoretical results suggest an attractive guided-wave platform to manipulate exciton-plasmon interactions at the ultra-deep subwavelength scale, opening new horizons for waveguiding nano-polaritonic components and devices.

Keywords: Exciton–plasmon polaritons; Metal nanowires; Strong coupling; Transition metal dichalcogenides; Waveguiding.