Processes in DNA damage response from a whole-cell multi-omics perspective

iScience. 2022 Oct 19;25(11):105341. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105341. eCollection 2022 Nov 18.


Technological advances have made it feasible to collect multi-condition multi-omic time courses of cellular response to perturbation, but the complexity of these datasets impedes discovery due to challenges in data management, analysis, visualization, and interpretation. Here, we report a whole-cell mechanistic analysis of HL-60 cellular response to bendamustine. We integrate both enrichment and network analysis to show the progression of DNA damage and programmed cell death over time in molecular, pathway, and process-level detail using an interactive analysis framework for multi-omics data. Our framework, Mechanism of Action Generator Involving Network analysis (MAGINE), automates network construction and enrichment analysis across multiple samples and platforms, which can be integrated into our annotated gene-set network to combine the strengths of networks and ontology-driven analysis. Taken together, our work demonstrates how multi-omics integration can be used to explore signaling processes at various resolutions and demonstrates multi-pathway involvement beyond the canonical bendamustine mechanism.

Keywords: Bioinformatics; Complex system biology; Data processing in systems biology; Systems biology.