A multicomponent reaction platform towards multimodal near-infrared BODIPY dyes for STED and fluorescence lifetime imaging

RSC Chem Biol. 2022 Aug 25;3(10):1251-1259. doi: 10.1039/d2cb00168c. eCollection 2022 Oct 5.


We report a platform combining multicomponent reaction synthesis and automated cell-based screening to develop biocompatible NIR-BODIPY fluorophores. From a library of over 60 fluorophores, we optimised compound NIRBD-62c as a multimodal probe with suitable properties for STED super-resolution and fluorescence lifetime imaging. Furthermore, we employed NIRBD-62c for imaging trafficking inside cells and to examine how pharmacological inhibitors can alter the vesicular traffic between intracellular compartments and the plasma membrane.