Stigma, Denial of Health Services, and Other Human Rights Violations Faced by Sex Workers in Africa: “My Eyes Were Full of Tears Throughout Walking Towards the Clinic that I Was Referred to”

In: Sex Work, Health, and Human Rights: Global Inequities, Challenges, and Opportunities for Action [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2021. Chapter 8.


An ethical and forward-looking health sector response to sex work aims to create a safe, effective, and non-judgemental space that attracts sex workers to its services. Yet, the clinical setting is often the site of human rights violations and many sex workers experience ill-treatment and abuse by healthcare providers. Research with male, female, and transgender sex workers in various African countries has documented a range of problems with healthcare provision in these settings, including: poor treatment, stigmatisation, and discrimination by healthcare workers; having to pay bribes to obtain services or treatment; being humiliated by healthcare workers; and, the breaching of confidentiality. These experiences are echoed by sex workers globally. Sex workers’ negative experiences with healthcare services result in illness and death and within the context of the AIDS epidemic act as a powerful barrier to effective HIV and STI prevention, care, and support. Conversely positive interactions with healthcare providers and health services empower sex workers, affirm sex worker dignity and agency, and support improved health outcomes and well-being. This chapter aims to explore the experiences of sex workers with healthcare systems in Africa as documented in the literature. Findings describe how negative healthcare workers’ attitudes and sexual moralism have compounded the stigma that sex workers face within communities and have led to poor health outcomes, particularly in relation to HIV and sexual and reproductive health. Key recommendations for policy and practice include implementation of comprehensive, rights-affirming health programmes designed in partnership with sex workers. These should be in tandem with structural interventions that shift away from outdated criminalized legal frameworks and implement violence prevention strategies, psycho-social support services, sex worker empowerment initiatives, and peer-led programmes.

Publication types

  • Review