Movimiento Ventana: An Alternative Proposal to Mental Health in Nicaragua

In: Arts and Health Promotion: Tools and Bridges for Practice, Research, and Social Transformation [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2021. Chapter 18.


This chapter describes the experience of Movimiento Ventana as a self-managed social movement and the use of arts-based alternative therapies—Biodanza and Art Therapy—in a group non-directive methodology under an approach of recovery and restitution of rights in the Psychosocial Hospital of Managua, Nicaragua. These therapies and approaches seek to promote health, positively influence the recovery of mental health users and reduce the social stigma associated with mental health. Biodanza and Art Therapy have proven to be effective techniques when working with people living with mental disorders, generating benefits at both the individual and social levels and developing areas where hegemonic therapies are limiting. As well, the use of art as a transformative tool fosters social participation and a more active role of participants in the activities. At the same time, it influences volunteers, transforming what is understood by “madness” and “being crazy” and recognizing the importance of mental health. Finally, it is recognized the need to question our own stigmas and roles of power in order to create more horizontal spaces where human rights, freedom, and the autonomy of people living with mental disorders are ensured and respected.

Publication types

  • Review