Canonical Spin Glass and the Anomalous Hall Effect in a Centrosymmetric Ferrimagnet

J Phys Chem Lett. 2022 Nov 3;13(43):10048-10055. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c02646. Epub 2022 Oct 20.


Centrosymmetric ferro/ferrimagnets provide an ideal arena for fundamental research due to their fascinating magnetic and structural characters. In this work, the Co0.8MnSn compound with a single hexagonal phase was successfully synthesized, and the magnetic phase transition and magnetic and electronic properties have been systematically investigated. Interestingly, Arrott plots and normalized magnetic entropy changes derived from the isothermal magnetizing curves may imply the first-order nature of the magnetic ordering transition around TC ∼ 121 K. The AC susceptibility analysis and detailed nonequilibrium dynamical studies (including magnetic aging, rejuvenation, and memory effects) reveal the canonical spin-glass state of Co0.8MnSn at lower temperature. Further, negative magnetoresistance and the anomalous Hall effect dominated by a commonly intrinsic term are obtained. Moreover, the field-dependent AC susceptibility data indicated that complicated and nontrivial magnetic spin textures should exist in the compound. These studies may open up further research opportunities in exploring emergent physical phenomena and potential applications in centrosymmetric magnets.