Analysis of a mechanistic model of corals in association with multiple symbionts: within-host competition and recovery from bleaching

Conserv Physiol. 2022 Oct 11;10(1):coac066. doi: 10.1093/conphys/coac066. eCollection 2022.


Coral reefs are increasingly experiencing stressful conditions, such as high temperatures, that cause corals to undergo bleaching, a process where they lose their photosynthetic algal symbionts. Bleaching threatens both corals' survival and the health of the reef ecosystems they create. One possible mechanism for corals to resist bleaching is through association with stress-tolerant symbionts, which are resistant to bleaching but may be worse partners in mild conditions. Some corals have been found to associate with multiple symbiont species simultaneously, which potentially gives them access to the benefits of both stress-sensitive and -tolerant symbionts. However, within-host competition between symbionts may lead to competitive exclusion of one partner, and the consequences of associating with multiple partners simultaneously are not well understood. We modify a mechanistic model of coral-algal symbiosis to investigate the effect of environmental conditions on within-host competitive dynamics between stress-sensitive and -tolerant symbionts and the effect of access to a tolerant symbiont on the dynamics of recovery from bleaching. We found that the addition of a tolerant symbiont can increase host survival and recovery from bleaching in high-light conditions. Competitive exclusion of the tolerant symbiont occurred slowly at intermediate light levels. Interestingly, there were some cases of post-bleaching competitive exclusion after the tolerant symbiont had helped the host recover.