Self-Management About Adjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study

Patient Prefer Adherence. 2022 Sep 23:16:2663-2681. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S379435. eCollection 2022.


Objective: This study aims to describe the experience and connotations of self-management about adjuvant therapy (AT) in Chinese breast cancer survivors (BCS) and explore possible factors that affect their self-management level.

Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted in postoperative BCS undergoing AT using a qualitative description method. The conceptual structure and connotations were extracted after researchers collected and coded interview transcripts.

Results: After interviewing 29 patients, the conceptual framework of self-management in BCS during AT was optimized with three major themes: medical-related, emotion, and role management. Medical-related management includes AT-related adverse reactions; medical cooperation and knowledge acquisition; recovery and protection of affected limb; medical compliance; body image; sexual function and fertility; healthy lifestyle; catheter daily protection; and AT-related financial burdens. Emotion management includes recognition, prevention, and regulation of negative emotions. Role management consists of three aspects: family role, social role, and work role.

Conclusion: The conceptual structure and connotations formed in this study can help researchers to evaluate and intervene in the self-management ability of BCS during AT, so as to formulate the best model of care to improve their quality of life and clinical outcomes.

Keywords: adjuvant therapy; breast neoplasm; self-management; survivorship.