DPVisCreator: Incorporating Pattern Constraints to Privacy-preserving Visualizations via Differential Privacy

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph. 2023 Jan;29(1):809-819. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3209391. Epub 2022 Dec 16.


Data privacy is an essential issue in publishing data visualizations. However, it is challenging to represent multiple data patterns in privacy-preserving visualizations. The prior approaches target specific chart types or perform an anonymization model uniformly without considering the importance of data patterns in visualizations. In this paper, we propose a visual analytics approach that facilitates data custodians to generate multiple private charts while maintaining user-preferred patterns. To this end, we introduce pattern constraints to model users' preferences over data patterns in the dataset and incorporate them into the proposed Bayesian network-based Differential Privacy (DP) model PriVis. A prototype system, DPVisCreator, is developed to assist data custodians in implementing our approach. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated with quantitative evaluation of pattern utility under the different levels of privacy protection, case studies, and semi-structured expert interviews.