Adherence to antiretroviral therapy thought package-refill among HIV+ persons at "D. Cotugno" hospital, Naples, Italy

Infez Med. 2022 Sep 1;30(3):440-445. doi: 10.53854/liim-3003-13. eCollection 2022.


Background: A gold-standard for the measurement of adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is lacking. Aim of this study is to verify the feasibility of a package-refill-based measurement of ART at "D. Cotugno" hospital, Naples, Italy, and the factors associated to adherence.

Methods: In the period January 2018-August 2020, we calculated the package-refill as the ratio between ART-packages actually withdrawn, and the ART packages needed to regularly take ART. Adherence was associated, trough a univariate e multivariate logistic regression, to demographical, behavioural and clinical factors.

Results: 1140 HIV+ subjects were included. At univariate logistic regression inadequate package-refill-based adherence is associated with HIV-RNA higher than 50 copies/mmL (OR 3.77-IC95% 2.76-5.13) and with HIVRNA higher than 200 copies/mmL (OR 3.98-IC95% 2.69-5.90). Being not-Italian and Injective-drug-user are associated with low adherence, having HIV/AIDS for more than 8 years is associated with better adherence.

Conclusions: Package-refill is a suitable method for measuring adherence and is associated with the condition of viral failure.

Keywords: HIV/AIDS; adherence; antiretroviral therapy; package-refill.