Use of Grape By-Products to Enhance Meat Quality and Nutritional Value in Monogastrics

Foods. 2022 Sep 7;11(18):2754. doi: 10.3390/foods11182754.


Grape by-products could be used in monogastric animals' nutrition to reduce feeding costs with conventional crops (e.g., maize and soybean meal) and to improve meat quality. The main grape by-products with the largest expression worldwide, particularly in the Mediterranean region, are grape pomace, grape seed, grape seed oil and grape skins. These by-products are rich sources of bioactive polyphenols, dietary fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), more specifically, the beneficial n-3 PUFA, that could be transferred to pork and poultry meat. The potential biological activities, mainly associated with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, make them putative candidates as feed supplements and/or ingredients capable of enhancing meat quality traits, such as color, lipid oxidation and shelf life. However, grape by-products face several limitations, namely, the high level of lignified cell wall and tannin content, both antinutritional compounds that limit nutrients absorption. Therefore, it is imperative to improve grape by-products' bioavailability, taking advantage of enzyme supplementation or pretreatment processes, to use them as feed alternatives contributing to boost a circular agricultural economy. The present review summarizes the current applications and challenges of using grape by-products from the agro-industrial sector in pig and poultry diets aiming at improving meat quality and nutritional value.

Keywords: feed ingredient; grape by-products; meat parameters; pig; poultry.

Publication types

  • Review