Spin-Lattice Relaxation Decoherence Suppression in Vanishing Orbital Angular Momentum Qubits

J Am Chem Soc. 2022 Sep 28;144(38):17597-17603. doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c07057. Epub 2022 Sep 14.


Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy on oriented single crystals of magnetically dilute Gd(III) ions in Gd0.004Y0.996(trensal) is used to determine the Hamiltonian parameters of the ground 8S7/2 term and its phase memory time, Tm, characterizing its coherent spin dynamics. The vanishing orbital angular momentum of the 8S7/2 term makes it relatively insensitive to spin-lattice relaxation mediated by magnetoelastic coupling and leads to a Tm of 12 μs at 3 K, which is not limited by spin-lattice relaxation.