The False Dawn of Polygenic Risk Scores for Human Disease Prediction

J Pers Med. 2022 Jul 31;12(8):1266. doi: 10.3390/jpm12081266.


Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) are being constructed for many diseases and are presented today as a promising avenue in the field of human genetics. These scores aim at predicting the risk of developing a disease by leveraging the many genome-wide association studies (GWAS) conducted during the two last decades. Important investments are being made to improve score estimates by increasing GWAS sample sizes, by developing more sophisticated methods, and by proposing different corrections for potential biases. PRSs have entered the market with direct-to-consumer companies proposing to compute them from saliva samples and even recently to help parents select the healthiest embryos. In this paper, we recall how PRSs arose and question the credit they are given by revisiting underlying assumptions in light of the history of human genetics and by comparing them with estimated breeding values (EBVs) used for selection in livestock.

Keywords: association; causation; correlation; polygenic additive model; polygenic risk score.