Cinema's Terrifying Realities: Pandemics, Zombification, and SARS-COV-2

Clin Med Res. 2022 Aug 23;20(3):121-124. doi: 10.3121/cmr.2022.1742. Online ahead of print.


Contagion is a function of the properties of the pathogen, social interactions, and personal relationships in the society it attacks. Filmmakers in the horror genre were inspired by the idea of rabies as a virus that could mutate into something more dangerous. Fictional epidemics of scavenging undead were often attributed to encephalitis caused by rabies or a mutated rabies virus. During the early months of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, there was a spike in streaming of Contagion that portrays a viral infectious disease modeled after a bat virus that spreads at an alarming rate, unleashing a global public panic and a clueless governmental response. We wanted to trace how filmmakers used rabies pathology as source material for their plots. We searched internet film databases and reviewed fictional films that utilized this plot device. Many dystopic, rabies-induced pandemic scenarios - mostly from the zombie genre - reveal parallels to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many zombie films, despite their absurd premise, anticipated the realities of future pandemics.

Keywords: Cinema; Encephalitis; Epidemics; Rabies.