Student Perceptions of the Use of Case-Based Cadaver Dissections in Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program

Med Sci Educ. 2022 May 6;32(3):679-682. doi: 10.1007/s40670-022-01540-x. eCollection 2022 Jun.


Case-based cadaver dissection offers students unique opportunities to blend traditional anatomic knowledge acquisition with clinical reasoning. Twelve physical therapy students completed surveys centered on case-based dissections. Case-based cadaver dissections were defined in this study as multiple clinical vignettes that required students to use the accessible cadavers to solve clinically based problems. The results of the study provide preliminary evidence that students perceive case-based cadaver dissections as beneficial to their anatomy education and beneficial to the development of their clinical reasoning skills.

Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40670-022-01540-x.

Keywords: Cadaver dissection; Case-based dissection; Clinical reasoning; Physical therapy education.