CAD-CAM denture teeth made on cast metal removable partial denture frameworks

J Prosthet Dent. 2022 Jun 27:S0022-3913(22)00325-0. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2022.04.030. Online ahead of print.


Once the fit of the cast metal framework on a removable partial denture (RPD) has been verified, the manufacturer's prefabricated denture teeth are typically secured on the cast metal framework to prepare for a wax evaluation. Although prefabricated denture teeth are available in different tooth forms and sizes, they require modification to fit an edentulous space. In arches with severe space discrepancy, it may be inefficient and time-consuming to make modifications to prefabricated denture teeth. The technique described uses digital technology to fabricate custom denture teeth on a cast metal framework and establish harmonious occlusion. An edentulous space with more than a single tooth replacement is designed as a splinted fixed partial denture with a connector. The designed teeth are milled in the double-cross-linked polymer to prepare for a wax evaluation, and once verified, the RPD is processed by using heat polymerization. Modifications are made to the milled denture teeth after wax elimination to reduce the likelihood of acrylic resin bond failure.