Morgellons Disease Treated as a Psychosomatic Condition

Cureus. 2022 May 23;14(5):e25236. doi: 10.7759/cureus.25236. eCollection 2022 May.


This case report details the presentation of a patient who presented to Psychiatry via the Emergency Department following a diphenhydramine overdose in an attempt to seek relief from a perceived skin condition. Review of the patient's files demonstrated similar presentations to a number of other specialties including Family Medicine and Dermatology. Due to the description by the patient of his condition as well as the associated psychiatric symptoms and significant impairment to his life, he was diagnosed with Morgellons disease. This paper seeks to highlight the lack of physical findings by other specialties, elaborate on the treatment plan during his inpatient stay, and review the evidence regarding the psychosomatic presentation of the disease.

Keywords: chronic lyme disease; delusional parasitosis; morgellons disease; psychosomatic disorders; psychosomatic symptoms.

Publication types

  • Case Reports