Postoperative Recurrences in Patients Operated for Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas: New Data Supporting Lifelong Surveillance

Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jun 14;14(12):2942. doi: 10.3390/cancers14122942.


At least 10% of pheochromocytomas (PHEOs) and paragangliomas (PGLs) (PPGLs) may recur after the initial surgery. Guidelines recommend annual screening for recurrence in non-metastatic tumors for at least 10 years after the initial surgical resection and lifelong screening in high-risk patients. However, recent data suggest that a shorter follow-up might be appropriate. We performed a retrospective analysis on patients with PPGLs who had local and/or metastatic recurrences between 1995 and 2020 in our center. Data were available for 39 cases of recurrence (69.2% female) including 20 PHEOs (51.3%) and 19 PGLs (48.7%) (13 head and neck (HNPGL) and 6 thoracoabdominal (TAPGL)). The overall average delay of recurrence was 116.6 months (14-584 months) or 9.7 years and the median was 71 months or 5.9 years. One-third of the cohort had a recurrence more than 10 years after the initial surgery (10-48.7 years). The average tumor size at initial diagnosis was 8.2 cm for PHEOs, 2.7 cm for HNPGLs, and 9.6 cm for TAPGLs. Interestingly, 17.6% of PHEOs were under 5 cm at the initial diagnosis. Metastatic recurrence was identified in 75% of PHEOs, 15.4% of HNPGLs, and 66.7% of TAPGLs. Finally, 12/23 (52.2%) patients with recurrence who underwent genetic testing carried a germline mutation. Overall, the safest option remains a lifelong follow-up.

Keywords: follow-up; paragangliomas; pheochromocytoma; recurrences.