Simple continuous-variable quantum key distribution scheme using a Sagnac-based Gaussian modulator

Opt Lett. 2022 Jun 15;47(12):2939-2942. doi: 10.1364/OL.458443.


Continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) is a protocol that uses quantum mechanics to ensure that the distribution of an encryption key is secure even in the presence of eavesdroppers. The wide application of CV-QKD requires low cost, system simplicity, and system stability. However, owing to the particularity of Gaussian modulation in CV-QKD, an amplitude modulator (AM) and a bias controller are required, making the system structure complex and unstable. In this Letter, we achieve two-dimensional Gaussian modulation with only one phase modulator (PM) and a Sagnac ring structure, which significantly reduces the complexity of the system. We test the Gaussian modulation stability for 10 h, and the result shows that the expected secure key rate can be maintained at 80 kbit/s under a transmission distance of 50 km. This scheme opens up new, to the best of our knowledge, possibilities for a new generation of highly stable and simple CV-QKD systems.