Ultrasound-Based Radiomics Can Classify the Etiology of Cervical Lymphadenopathy: A Multi-Center Retrospective Study

Front Oncol. 2022 May 17:12:856605. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.856605. eCollection 2022.


Medical diagnostic imaging is essential for the differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy. Here we develop an ultrasound radiomics method for accurately differentiating cervical lymph node tuberculosis (LNTB), cervical lymphoma, reactive lymph node hyperplasia, and metastatic lymph nodes especially in the multi-operator, cross-machine, multicenter context. The inter-observer and intra-observer consistency of radiomics parameters from the region of interest were 0.8245 and 0.9228, respectively. The radiomics model showed good and repeatable diagnostic performance for multiple classification diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy, especially in LNTB (area under the curve, AUC: 0.673, 0.662, and 0.626) and cervical lymphoma (AUC: 0.623, 0.644, and 0.602) in the whole set, training set, and test set, respectively. However, the diagnostic performance of lymphadenopathy among skilled radiologists was varied (Kappa coefficient: 0.108, *p < 0.001). The diagnostic performance of radiomics is comparable and more reproducible compared with those of skilled radiologists. Our study offers a more comprehensive method for differentiating LNTB, cervical lymphoma, reactive lymph node hyperplasia, and metastatic LN.

Keywords: cervical lymph nodes tuberculosis; cervical lymphoma; metastatic lymph node; radiomics; reactive lymph node hyperplasia.