Modelling the potential spread of virus during soccer matches

BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022 May 12;8(2):e001268. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001268. eCollection 2022.


Objective: In the present study, we model the potential spread of virus during soccer matches.

Methods: Tracking data from 14 elite soccer matches was used. One player in each match was designated as a virus carrier (called 'infected player') for the purpose of the study. The exposure score (measured in seconds) was calculated as time spent closer than 1.5 m from the infected player or time spent in an exponentially declining zone, where the infected player was positioned earlier.

Results: The results revealed that, on average, each player was exposed for 87.8 s per match.

Conclusion: Potential spread of virus during soccer matches was modelled and it revealed that the exposure to a virus during soccer matches is limited.

Keywords: COVID-19; Soccer; Sports analysis in different types of sports.