Methods for home-based self-applied polysomnography: the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study

Sleep Adv. 2022 Apr 29;3(1):zpac011. doi: 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpac011. eCollection 2022.


Study objectives: Along with multiple chronic comorbidities, sleep disorders are prevalent in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The goal of this study was to establish methods for assessing sleep quality and breathing-related disorders using self-applied home polysomnography in people with and without HIV.

Methods: Self-applied polysomnography was conducted on 960 participants in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) using the Nox A1 recorder to collect data on the frontal electroencephalogram (EEG), bilateral electrooculograms, and a frontalis electromyogram during sleep. Breathing patterns were characterized using respiratory inductance plethysmography bands and pulse oximetry. Continuous recordings of the electrocardiogram were also obtained. All studies were scored centrally for sleep stages and disordered breathing events.

Results: Successful home polysomnography was obtained in 807 of 960 participants on the first attempt and 44 participants on the second. Thus, a successful polysomnogram was obtained in 851 (88.6%) of the participants. Reasons for an unsuccessful study included less than 3 h of data on oximetry (34.6%), EEG (28.4%), respiratory inductance plethysmography (21.0%), or two or more of these combined (16.0%). Of the successful studies (N = 851), signal quality was rated as good, very good, or excellent in 810 (95.2%). No temporal trends in study quality were noted. Independent correlates of an unsuccessful study included black race, current smoking, and cocaine use.

Conclusions: Home polysomnography was successfully completed in the MACS demonstrating its feasibility in a community cohort. Given the burden of in-lab polysomnography, the methods described herein provide a cost-effective alternative for collecting sleep data in the home.

Keywords: epidemiology; home testing; instrumentation.