Basicity of isostructural porous ionic crystals composed of Nb/Ta-substituted Keggin-type polyoxotungstates

Dalton Trans. 2022 May 31;51(21):8186-8191. doi: 10.1039/d2dt00478j.


Three isostructural porous ionic crystals (PICs) based on Keggin-type POMs with different compositions but equal negative charge ([BW12O40]5- (BW12), [SiW11NbO40]5- (SiW11Nb), and [SiW11TaO40]5- (SiW11Ta)) are synthesized. Experimental and theoretical characterizations of the three PICs (1_BW12, 1_SiW11Nb, and 1_SiW11Ta) show that the substitution of Nb/Ta for W in the POMs enhances the basicity of PICs, which increases in the order of 1_BW12 < 1_SiW11Nb < 1_SiW11Ta. These findings clearly show that the increase in basicity is due not only to the increase in negative charge of the POM molecule as is often explained, but also to the character of the substituted element itself.