A Review of Flow Characterization of Metallic Materials in the Cold Forming Temperature Range and Its Major Issues

Materials (Basel). 2022 Apr 8;15(8):2751. doi: 10.3390/ma15082751.


We focus on the importance of accurately describing the flow behaviors of metallic materials to be cold formed; we refer to several valuable examples. We review the typical experimental methods by which flow curves are obtained, in addition to several combined experimental-numerical methods. The characteristics of four fundamental flow models including the Ludwik, Voce, Hollomon, and Swift models are explored in detail. We classify all flow models in the literature into three groups, including the Ludwik and Voce families, and blends thereof. We review the experimental and numerical methods used to optimize the flow curves. Representative flow models are compared via tensile testing, with a focus on the necking point and pre- or post-necking strain hardening. Several closed-form function models employed for the non-isothermal analyses of cold metal forming are also examined. The traditional bilinear C-m model and derivatives thereof are used to describe the complicated flow behaviors of metallic materials at cold forming temperatures, particularly in terms of their applications to metal forming simulations and process optimization.

Keywords: flow characterization; review; room temperature.

Publication types

  • Review