Dataset on plastic and early-age shrinkage of ultra-high performance concrete with corresponding chemical shrinkage, temperature, relative humidity, reaction degree and material properties changes

Data Brief. 2022 Mar 12:42:108053. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108053. eCollection 2022 Jun.


The data collected includes ultra-high performance (UHPC) shrinkage under sealed and unsealed conditions from 3 h after water addition, chemical shrinkage, UHPC internal temperature and relative humidity, Thermal gravity analysis (TGA) data, compressive strength, Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus of 9 UHPC mixes. UHPC early-age shrinkage was collected by a 250×250×100 mm mould and two linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) on the opposite positions and a sealing cover was applied to control the sealing condition of the top surface. Chemical shrinkage was measured by 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with a measuring pipette and paraffin oil was added to seal samples and indicate chemical shrinkage increment by liquid level change in the pipette. The liquid level change was recorded by GoPro cameras from 3 h after water addition. UHPC internal relative humidity was measured simultaneously by digital sensors from 3 h after water addition. TGA data were measured by a Mettler Toledo TGA testing machine at 5 different time points for each mix design. The TGA data were then used to calculate reaction degree. The material properties, including compressive strength, Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus were measured at 3 different time points by a compression machine and two axial extensometers and one circumferential extensometer. The data collected can comprehensively reflect chemical and physical behaviours of UHPC at early age and can be used to develop or calibrate a model for UHPC early-age shrinkage.

Keywords: Autogenous shrinkage; Capillary tension; Chemical shrinkage; Drying shrinkage; Hydration.