A questionnaire-based study of Paediatric Dentists' knowledge of teething signs, symptoms and management

BDJ Open. 2022 Mar 12;8(1):7. doi: 10.1038/s41405-022-00099-4.


Introduction: Signs and symptoms attributed to erupting primary teeth are commonly known as "teething". Its existence is controversial with concern that overusing this term might mask other illnesses and some treatments may be unnecessary or harmful. Parents/carers can access over-the-counter remedies and may seek professional advice. This survey-based investigation explored gaps in knowledge, training, perceptions and experiences of UK Paediatric Dentists (PDs) regarding teething in young children.

Method: Cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of PDs with different training levels, accessed through the British Society for Paediatric Dentistry membership lists. A 10-item questionnaire explored participants' knowledge of teething-related issues and management. Responses are presented using descriptive statistics.

Results: Of 80 responding PDs (response rate 27%), 62-74% suggested drooling, irritability, oral fixation and flushed cheeks were attributed to primary tooth eruption. Fifty-eight (72%) participants were unaware of guidelines, yet 53 (66%) felt guidance was needed.

Conclusion: Signs and symptoms of teething might mask underlying conditions so it should be a diagnosis of exclusion. PDs attributed similar signs and symptoms to teething, as have been reported in the literature, although some commented that they did not think teething was a condition. There was a lack of awareness over guidelines.