Information Optimal Control for Single Particle Tracking Microscopy

IFAC Pap OnLine. 2021;54(7):649-654. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.434. Epub 2021 Sep 15.


We consider the problem of designing a control policy for a laser scanning microscope (LSM) which will minimize the estimation uncertainty when identifying the state and motion model of a fluorescent biological particle. Using the information optimal design framework we pose an optimization problem which seeks to maximize the Fisher information of the particle's state. We then apply optimal control methods to determine the laser trajectory that maximizes a criterion based on the Fisher information. The resulting optimal control policy is a Bang-Singular control which moves the laser to the set of measurement locations that maximize the rate of information accumulation. Simulations demonstrate the ability of the resulting control system to position the laser to measure the particles location with a minimum uncertainty.

Keywords: Information Theory; Microscopes; Optimal Control; Optimal Experimental Design; Parameter Estimation; Single Particle Tracking.