Controllable Laguerre Gaussian wave packets along predesigned trajectories

Opt Express. 2022 Feb 14;30(4):6193-6202. doi: 10.1364/OE.447487.


We introduce controllable Laguerre Gaussian wave packets (LGWPs) with self-accelerating and self-focusing properties along their predesigned parabolic trajectory via phase modulation. Numerically and experimentally recorded intensity patterns of controllable LGWPs with topological charges are obtained, and it is obvious that they agree well with the theoretical model. Furthermore, spatiotemporally controllable LGWPs can propagate stably along predesigned trajectories for many Rayleigh lengths. This paper not only provides a theoretical propagation model for these multi-dimensional controllable LGWPs, but also promotes further development of the basic research into self-bending and autofocusing structured light fields.