Stress-Reducing Effect of a 50 Hz Electric Field in Mice after Repeated Immobilizations, Electric Field Shields, and Polarization of the Electrodes

Biology (Basel). 2022 Feb 17;11(2):323. doi: 10.3390/biology11020323.


In BALB/c mice, immobilization-increased plasma glucocorticoid (GC) levels are suppressed by extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields (EF). The aim of this study was to advance our understanding of the biological effects of ELF-EF, using its suppressive effect on the GC response. Mice were exposed to a 50 Hz EF of 10 kV/m via a parallel plate electrode and immobilized as needed. We examined the suppressive effect of ELF-EF on GC level change after repeated immobilizations, electrode polarization, and EF shielding of different portions of the mouse body parts. Additionally, bodyweight changes owing to stress and EF were examined. Immobilization-induced reduction in the plasma GC levels was reproduced in mice with stress and EF exposure, regardless of the stress episode numbers and electrode polarization. Furthermore, when the head of mice was shielded from the EF, the suppressive effect was possibly relatively lower than that when the abdomen was shielded. The bodyweight of the mice decreased for 3 days after immobilization before recovering; ELF-EF did not affect the bodyweight. Thus, to elicit the biological effects of the EF, not only the size of the area where the EF is distributed but also the area where the field is distributed should be important. The results also confirmed the stableness of the present experimental system, at least in terms of the stress-reducing effect. In addition, the restriction in this study caused weight loss, but ELF-EF was not considered to affect it. The results improve the understanding of the biological effect and medical applications of ELF-EF.

Keywords: electrical stimulation; endocrine response; extremely low frequency; physical therapy; stress.