Genomic analysis of human noroviruses using combined Illumina-Nanopore data

Virus Evol. 2021 Sep 15;7(2):veab079. doi: 10.1093/ve/veab079. eCollection 2021.


Whole-genome sequence analysis of noroviruses is routinely performed by employing a metagenomic approach. While this methodology has several advantages, such as allowing for the examination of co-infection, it has some limitations, such as the requirement of high viral load to achieve full-length or near full-length genomic sequences. In this study, we used a pre-amplification step to obtain full-length genomic amplicons from 39 Canadian GII isolates, followed by deep sequencing on Illumina and Oxford Nanopore platforms. This approach significantly reduced the required viral titre to obtain full-genome coverage. Herein, we compared the coverage and sequences obtained by both platforms and provided an in-depth genomic analysis of the obtained sequences, including the presence of single-nucleotide variants and recombination events.

Keywords: Illumina MiSeq; Oxford Nanopore; full-length amplicons; norovirus; recombination; single-nucleotide variation.