Spin-Selective Equilibration among Integer Quantum Hall Edge Channels

Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Feb 4;128(5):056802. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.056802.


The equilibration between quantum Hall edge modes is known to depend on the disorder potential and the steepness of the edge. Modern samples with higher mobilities and setups with lower electron temperatures call for a further exploration of the topic. We develop a framework to systematically measure and analyze the equilibration of many (up to 8) integer edge modes. Our results show that spin-selective coupling dominates even for non-neighboring channels with parallel spin. Changes in magnetic field and bulk density let us control the equilibration until it is almost completely suppressed and dominated only by individual microscopic scatterers. This method could serve as a guideline to investigate and design improved devices, and to study fractional and other exotic states.