A Multicenter Study of the Distribution Pattern of Posterior-To-Anterior Corneal Curvature Radii Ratio in Chinese Myopic Patients

Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Dec 20:8:724674. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.724674. eCollection 2021.


Estimation of corneal refractive power (CRP) is of crucial importance to refractive and cataract surgery. The ratio of posterior to anterior curvature radii of the cornea (P/A ratio) is one of the key factors to determine the actual CRP (True-K). While the traditional method to calculate the CRP (Sim-K) is based on a constant P/A ratio (0.82), it is suggested that the P/A ratio varies in different people and exhibits a distribution pattern, which may have an impact on the accuracy of CRP estimation and postoperative refractive outcome. In this multicenter study, we aimed to investigate the distribution pattern of the P/A ratio in a large number of myopic patients, and further explore the relationship between P/A ratio and ΔK (the difference between True-K and Sim-K). We found that distribution of the P/A ratio ranged from 0.72 to 0.86 with an average value of 0.82 ± 0.01. The compensation effect of the refractive power of the posterior on the anterior surface of the cornea decreased with the increase of P/A ratio. There was a significant correlation between P/A ratio and ΔK in all eyes (r = 0.9764, P < 0.0001). A change of 0.1 in P/A ratio could cause a change of 0.75 D in ΔK. Our study suggests that the actual P/A ratio should be taken into consideration in refractive and cataract surgery when calculating the CRP and power of the intraocular lens in eyes with significantly deviated P/A ratios.

Keywords: IOL power; P/A ratio; corneal refractive power; myopia; refractive and cataract surgery.