Characterization of a Triplet Vinylidene

J Am Chem Soc. 2021 Dec 22;143(50):21410-21415. doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c11062. Epub 2021 Dec 13.


Singlet vinylidenes (R2C═C:) are proposed as intermediates in a series of organic reactions, and very few have been studied by matrix isolation or gas-phase spectroscopy. Triplet vinylidenes, however, featuring two unpaired electrons at a monosubstituted carbon atom are thus far only predicted as electronically excited-state species and represent an unexplored class of carbon-centered diradicals. We report the photochemical generation and low-temperature EPR/ENDOR characterization of the first ground-state high-spin (triplet) vinylidene. The zero-field splitting parameters (D = 0.377 cm-1 and |E|/D = 0.028) were determined, and the 13C hyperfine coupling tensor was obtained by 13C-ENDOR measurements. Most strikingly, the isotropic 13C hyperfine coupling constant (50 MHz) is far smaller than the characteristic values of triplet carbenes, demonstrating a unique electronic structure which is supported by quantum chemical calculations.