Mastering health: liberating beauty : Will the cosmetics of tomorrow be genetic?

J Cell Commun Signal. 2021 Dec;15(4):483-490. doi: 10.1007/s12079-021-00656-w. Epub 2021 Nov 24.


Systems that have yet to stand the test of time carry imperfections that need to be skillfully addressed with the least amount of authoritarianism as possible. The communication and transmission of knowledge that we hold dear are essential pillars to social progress. As such, it is necessary to analyze with the greatest scientific objectivity the applications arising from the deep revolution rooted in the total sequencing of the human genome which affects all aspects of our societies. This extraordinary advance in human knowledge and the resulting technological achievements should not lend themselves to the fears or fantasies often fueled by those who criticize all scientific progress calling into question the most established dogmas. Certain supposedly scholarly analyses of the health situation with which we are currently confronted worldwide are a perfect illustration of this unfortunate trend. It is undeniable that the progress of molecular genetics has opened up a wide range of applications in many fields, affecting the well-being of humans, their mental and physical health. The apparent universal and individual interest for the most advanced genetic profile analyzing technologies is a testimony to this strong common desire to better understand one's genetic heritage and to control their usage. Despite this movement, little attention is given to the recent advances in genetics applied to essential aspects of the social life of individuals through their inter-personal interactions. It is particularly distressing that the contributions of molecular biology and genetics to the daily well-being of individuals have not yet allowed open-access non-medical genetic testing to gain the recognition it deserves and are still viewed as recreational applications. Through an analysis of the cross influences that genetic biotechnologies have had since the beginning of the century in the fields of nutrition and cosmetics, we have tried to project ourselves into the near future which should witness major behavioral and social upheavals.

Keywords: Aging; Beauty; Cosmetics; Cosmetogenetic; Cosmetogenomics; Genetics; Genome wide association study (GWAS); Health; Human genome sequencing; New technologies; Nutricosmetics; Nutrigenetics; Nutrigenomics; Self-image; Self-looking glass; Selfies; Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); Social psychology; Symbolic interactionism.

Publication types

  • Review