Expression of Concern

J Cell Biochem. 2021 Dec;122(12):1968. doi: 10.1002/jcb.30161. Epub 2021 Oct 26.


Expression of Concern: 'miR-377-3p drives malignancy characteristics via upregulating GSK-3β expression and activating NF-κB pathway in hCRC cells', by Wei-Ying Liu, Zhen Yang, Qi Sun, Xi Yang, Yang Hu, Hong Xie, Hui-Jie Gao, Li-Ming Guo, Jian-Ying Yi, Min Liu, and Hua Tang (2017); J Cell Biochem. 2018; 2124-2134: This Expression of Concern is for the above article, published online on 31 August 2017, in Wiley Online Library (, and has been published by agreement between the the journal's Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Christian Behl, and Wiley Periodicals LLC. Concerns about data integrity were raised by an independent source regarding a possible duplication in Figure 4D. The authors admit an error at compilation of the figures and provided a correction. After a detailed investigation and analysis of the raw data, concerns remain regarding the integrity of the data and the conclusions of the article. The authors' institution, Tianjin Medical University, has been contacted, and an investigation of this paper from the group of Hua Tang is underway. While the conclusions of this investigation are awaited, the journal has decided to issue this Expression of Concern.

Publication types

  • Expression of Concern