A Unified Treatment of Tribo-Components Degradation Using Thermodynamics Framework: A Review on Adhesive Wear

Entropy (Basel). 2021 Oct 12;23(10):1329. doi: 10.3390/e23101329.


An extensive survey of open literature reveals the need for a unifying approach for characterizing the degradation of tribo-pairs. This paper focuses on recent efforts made towards developing unified relationships for adhesive-type wear under unlubricated conditions through a thermodynamic framework. It is shown that this framework can properly characterize many complex scenarios, such as degradation problems involving unidirectional, bidirectional (oscillatory and reciprocating motions), transient operating conditions (e.g., during the running-in period), and variable loading/speed sequencing.

Keywords: adhesive wear; oscillatory operating condition; running-in; steady-state wear; thermodynamic framework; variable loading effects; variable speed effects.

Publication types

  • Review