Troponin interference with special regard to macrocomplex formation

Clin Chem Lab Med. 2021 Oct 19. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2021-0841. Online ahead of print.


Biomarkers, such as troponin-T and troponin-I, are regarded as the gold standard laboratory parameter for diagnosing many cardiological diseases. These parameters have been approved for clinical use. Many cardiological guidelines recommend the analysis of troponins in the majority of cardiological disease diagnoses and to also gain prognostic information. Nonetheless, many medical circumstances could cause false troponin elevations. In this article, we focus on troponin artifacts, particularly macro-immune complex formation, as important interference factors. Therefore, we performed a literature search from 2006 to 06/2021.

Keywords: macro troponin; macro-immune complex formation; troponin artifact; troponin false positive; troponin interference.