Semantically Adversarial Learnable Filters

IEEE Trans Image Process. 2021:30:8075-8087. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2021.3112290. Epub 2021 Sep 23.


We present an adversarial framework to craft perturbations that mislead classifiers by accounting for the image content and the semantics of the labels. The proposed framework combines a structure loss and a semantic adversarial loss in a multi-task objective function to train a fully convolutional neural network. The structure loss helps generate perturbations whose type and magnitude are defined by a target image processing filter. The semantic adversarial loss considers groups of (semantic) labels to craft perturbations that prevent the filtered image from being classified with a label in the same group. We validate our framework with three different target filters, namely detail enhancement, log transformation and gamma correction filters; and evaluate the adversarially filtered images against three classifiers, ResNet50, ResNet18 and AlexNet, pre-trained on ImageNet. We show that the proposed framework generates filtered images with a high success rate, robustness, and transferability to unseen classifiers. We also discuss objective and subjective evaluations of the adversarial perturbations.