Frequency Disentanglement Distillation Image Deblurring Network

Sensors (Basel). 2021 Jul 9;21(14):4702. doi: 10.3390/s21144702.


Due to the blur information and content information entanglement in the blind deblurring task, it is very challenging to directly recover the sharp latent image from the blurred image. Considering that in the high-dimensional feature map, blur information mainly exists in the low-frequency region, and content information exists in the high-frequency region. In this paper, we propose a encoder-decoder model to realize disentanglement from the perspective of frequency, and we named it as frequency disentanglement distillation image deblurring network (FDDN). First, we modified the traditional distillation block by embedding the frequency split block (FSB) in the distillation block to separate the low-frequency and high-frequency region. Second, the modified distillation block, we named frequency distillation block (FDB), can recursively distill the low-frequency feature to disentangle the blurry information from the content information, so as to improve the restored image quality. Furthermore, to reduce the complexity of the network and ensure the high-dimension of the feature map, the frequency distillation block (FDB) is placed on the end of encoder to edit the feature map on the latent space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental evaluations indicate that the FDDN can remove the blur effect and improve the image quality of actual and simulated images.

Keywords: distillation block; feature disentanglement; frequency split; image deblurring.