Stressors among young Australian university students: A qualitative study

J Am Coll Health. 2023 Aug-Sep;71(6):1753-1760. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1947303. Epub 2021 Jul 9.


Objective: To explore stressors among young university students.

Participants: Twenty-nine 18- to 25-year-old university students.

Method: Four focus group discussions (n = 29) were conducted to explore mental health and stressors among domestic and international university students. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis to identify emerging themes and relationships.

Results: Five primary stressors emerged from the data: Balance, Interpersonal Relationships, Future Prospects, Performance Pressure and Financial Issues and Employment. Although many distinct relationships were identified between themes, "Balance" affected and influenced most other stressors.

Conclusions: Five stressors were identified, most of which related to a lack of balance and time-management. Too many competing commitments and difficulty prioritizing were key influences. Interventions and policy to address stressors in students may reduce student psychological stress. Universities can provide support for students to prioritize commitments, provide flexible study opportunities and offer financial guidance.

Keywords: Balance; mental health; qualitative research; stressors; students; university; young adults.