Three-dimensional diagnostics and measurements of inertial confinement fusion plasmas

Rev Sci Instrum. 2021 May 1;92(5):053526. doi: 10.1063/5.0043853.


Recent inertial confinement fusion measurements have highlighted the importance of 3D asymmetry effects on implosion performance. One prominent example is the bulk drift velocity of the deuterium-tritium plasma undergoing fusion ("hotspot"), vHS. Upgrades to the National Ignition Facility neutron time-of-flight diagnostics now provide vHS to better than 1 part in 104 and enable cross correlations with other measurements. This work presents the impact of vHS on the neutron yield, downscatter ratio, apparent ion temperature, electron temperature, and 2D x-ray emission. The necessary improvements to diagnostic suites to take these measurements are also detailed. The benefits of using cross-diagnostic analysis to test hotspot models and theory are discussed, and cross-shot trends are shown.