Alterations in biochemical markers in adenovirus infection

Transl Pediatr. 2021 May;10(5):1248-1258. doi: 10.21037/tp-20-333.


Background: Analyze possible relationships between HAdV and markers for inflammation, specifically the C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) tests, along with other haematological markers.

Methods: Retrospective study of 487 children presenting with fever and/or acute respiratory symptoms in the Paediatric Emergency Department. Analyses included viral presence/absence (both HAdV and other respiratory viruses) in respiratory exudates, CRP and PCT alterations in plasma, and haematological markers in whole blood.

Results: Viral load was >500 copies/103 cells of HAdV in 127 cases (26.1%), of which 66 (52%, P<0.0001) had alterations in PCT, and 112 (88.1%, P<0.0001) in CRP. Haematological markers were similar either HAdV was present or not, although many HAdV positive patients demonstrated leukocytosis (66%). Bacterial cultures from 141 samples showed altered PCT in 27 (60%) with HAdV infection, in 3 (18.7%) with bacterial infection, and 13 (26.5%) without either viral or bacterial infection (P<0.05). CRP was altered in 88.9% of HAdV infected children and in 87% infected with bacteria, although the percentage was greater than in cases where other respiratory viruses were present (61.3% P<0.05).

Conclusions: Results demonstrate a clear relationship between HAdV infection and alterations in PCT and CRP which should be taken into account in paediatric patient management.

Keywords: Adenovirus; C-reactive protein; procalcitonin; respiratory infections.